
Our footsteps from foundation to present

  NaITO World
  • Taishun Naito inaugurates a machines and tools wholesale business.
  • World War II ends.
  • Naito Shoten is established in Arakawa-ku, Tokyo with the capital of 1.5 million yen.
  • The Korean War ceases with an armistice.
  • Stalin dies.
  • The company name is changed to Naito & Co., Ltd.
  • The Olympic Games take place in Tokyo.
  • The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is founded.
  • The head office is moved as the new office building is completed in Showa-machi, Kita-ku, Tokyo.
  • The Watergate Scandal forces Richard Nixon to resign as U.S. president.
  • Begins nationwide expansion of information networks with customers.
  • Sets up the Head Office Stock Center (currently, East Japan Distribution Center) and the Kansai Stock Center (currenly, West Japan Distribution Center).
  • The Soviet Union introduces the post of president and Mikhail Gorbachev becomes the first president.
  • Iraqi troops invade Kuwait and brings its whole territory under control.
  • The two Germanies are reunited.
  • Executes a corporate identity project to introduce a new symbol and logo.
  • Accordingly, the company name logo is changed to NaITO.
  • U.S. president George Bush and Russian president Boris Yeltsin sign START II/
  • Israel and the PLO sign the Oslo Accords.
  • Opens the website.
  • Lists shares on the over the counter market.
  • The European Union (EU) introduced a single currency - the euro.
  • Macau returns to China's sovereignty.
  • Obtains ISO14001 certification for the head office.
  • The September 11 attacks occur.
  • U.S. forces start attacking Afghanistan's Taliban government.
  • The scope of ISO 14001 certification is extended to cover Nagoya.
  • Lists shares on the JASDAQ stock echange (currently, the JASDAQ market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange).
  • The FIFA World Cup takes place in Japan and South Korea.
  • The African Union (AU) is established.
  • Becomes a subsidiary of Okaya & Co., Ltd. (with the capital of 2,291 million yen).
  • The Kyoto Protocol comes into force.
  • The 2005 Sumatra earthquake occurs.
  • Sets up Siam Okaya Machine & Tool Co., Ltd. (currently SOMAT CO.,LTD.) as a subsidiary for selling machines and tools in Thailand joinly with Okaya & Co. Ltd.
  • Montenegro achieves independence from Serbia-Montenegro.
  • The Royal Thai Army stages a bloodless coup.
  • The scope of the ISO 14001 certification is extended to cover Osaka.
  • Barack Obama becomes the first African American to serve as U.S. president.
  • Micheal Jackson dies.
  • Sets up a representative office in Vietnam.
  • The Jasmine Revolution takes place in Tunisia.
  • The Great East Japan Earthquake occurs.
  • Sets up NAITO VIETNAM CO., LTD. as a subsidiary for selling machines and tools in Vietnam.
  • Each share of common stock was split into 10 shares and the stock traded in 100 share units.
  • Acquired remained preferred stock and extinguished the stock.
  • Saitama branch office (former Kita-Tokyo branch office) was opened in Okegawa City, Saitama.
  • Utsunomiya sales office was opened in Utsunomiya City, Tochigi.
  • Okaya sales office was opened in Okaya City, Nagano.
  • Koriyama sales office was opened in Koriyama City, Fukushima.
  • Yamagata sales office was opened in Yamagata City, Yamagata.
  • Kita-Kyusyu sales office was opened in Kita-Kyusyu City, Fukuoka.
  • Transited from a company with board of company auditors to company with audit and supervisory committee.
  • Kita Tohoku branch relocated from Kitakami City, Iwate prefecture to Morioka City.
  • Minami Tokyo branch office was opened in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa.
  • Yokkaichi sales office was opened in Yokkaichi-Kyusyu City, Mie.
  • Due to the revision of the market divisions by the Tokyo Stock Exchange, our listing was transferred from JASDAQ (Standard) to the Standard Market.
  • Opened Keihin Office in Ota-ku, Tokyo.
  • Relocated Chubu Logistics Center from Mizuho-ku, Nagoya, Aichi to Nakagawa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi.
  • Relocated Kita-Kanto Branch within Ota City, Gunma.
  • Relocated East Japan Logistics Center from Kita-ku, Tokyo to Ota City, Gunma.
  • Temporarily relocated headquarters (administrative division) from Kita-ku, Tokyo to Taito-ku, Tokyo.
  • Temporarily relocated headquarters (sales division) from Kita-ku, Tokyo to Arakawa-ku, Tokyo.